
on the road
Если завтра все же случится конец света, то как будет обидно за все те деньги и нервы, потраченные на подготовку к егэ :gigi:
и за все пары, которые я так отчаянно, но напрасно шипперила.

пойду поем что-ли

@темы: could it BE any more...?, smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?

on the road

glee 4x07

on the road
Чувствую, что в ближайшее время неимоверный пиздец, имя которому "После школы" будет кокблочить все мои Гли впечатления, потому что вчера у меня было много Гли!филз энд эмоушнс, а потом...СТАША. ПРОСТО СТАША.

Тем не менее

prepare your shock cape, glee feels here

@темы: glee, 4x07, blaine feels detected

on the road
ну что, я так себя обычно веду :gigi:
я поржала, когда увидела, что видео добавлено Стасом Михалковым это правда фамилия Стасика или от любви к кумиру? А еще там есть канал МИШИ. Миша Рац, во как!

@темы: после школы, ...DARY. LEGENDARY, it's gonna be LEGEN..wait for it..., could it BE any more...?



on the road
Раз уж Моника ту май Чендлер осалила, то делать нечего :3
7 любимых песен на данный момент.

 space hamster и  Alpha. нид ту ду

@темы: flashmob


on the road
мои фангёрлские эмоции требует гифок с Мишей! или медведем

17.11.2012 в 18:51
Пишет  space hamster:

Где фандом "После школы"? Где мне найти гифки с Мишей?
Кто пописывает на коленке фичочки?

URL записи

@темы: после школы, Почему медведь, которого убил Сойер не оказался вместе со всеми в церкви?©, could it BE any more...?

on the road

@темы: otp of all otps

on the road
Нет людей.
крик тысячедневных мук?
Душа не хочет немая идти,
а сказать кому?

@темы: sometimes my diary entries happen

on the road
on the road
And I can tell just what you want, you don't want to be alone

@темы: sometimes my diary entries happen

on the road
95 лет назад свершилась революция, несколько часов назад переизбрали на 2 срок Обаму, а для меня сегодня главным событием стало внезапное желание  Nao снова вести дневник. И поскольку она Моника для моего Чендлера, и мы всегда он зэ сэйм пейдж, я не могла не

Ну что же, неоднократные попытки продолжить вести дневник были и в прошлом, но может быть в этот раз вдвоем у нас и получится.

Виснуть на прошлом уже совсем невмоготу, но раз "эра" закончилась, то что-то должно наконец придти ей взамен.

йей что ли)

@темы: sometimes my diary entries happen, bracelet buddies, ...DARY. LEGENDARY, it's gonna be LEGEN..wait for it...


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on the road
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on the road
Lately I've been pissed because of a sociology assignment that screwed up my grade

Yesterday I felt depressed because of my thinking that screwed up my life

In the car I realized that thinking itself did this.

I scarcely lived in a moment, I've always thought of consequences, others, judgemnet, social position, authority, how to avoid embarrassment, how to leave an impression...of what? just an average likable person.

Something has always prevented me from doing what I felt like doing, in truth, I have, and it left me with regrets and dozens of "what if"

I hesitated again and again and again.


"We Are Young"was playing and i was staring at Garrett's back, thinking of how it was more of a stubborness now, stubborness of a kid who could never let go of a dream having a bird even if he already has two dogs and hermit crabs. And in his middle thirties.


I was thinking of all the things I haven't done because I was afraid of looks and talks or regrets

all the things I haven't done and in my head they were killing me wi
th looks and talks of regrets

all the things since I haven't done because I was afraid or embarrassed

all the things I am embarrassed I've never done


Since I was 7 they were building up in my head in this giant line, screaming at me like children hating on their new classmate
With what have I ever balanced them off? Thoughts like "oh, wow, you avoided a possible embarrassment or regrets that could have happened"
nice grades? ( when they still were nice)

I was standing there,staring at Garrett's back and everything, everything I was embarrassed to, I was afraid to, I hesitated to, I didn't, I haven't, I wasn't was there.

i stand and started and I didn't.

In the car it got to me.

You know,here I didn't think of 6th place in history olympiad or British bulldog, and ín few years I won't think of sociology grade or world lit papers.

When they ask me of good things about my life, I think of this day with Nib when we haven't slept all night, met in the park on a cold winter day, froze our asses out,went sliding and got scared as hell because of some supernatural fuckery. I think of Party in Kovrov, dancing your heart out, swimming in the fountain and talking shit. I think of standing in a train tambour with Jay, laughing obnoxiosly and pretend to be normal while people pass us by for few seconds. I think of making videos with Artie where our singing and dancing can leave you deaf and blind. I think of contests with Lerka, such as "Who spits farther". I think of my karbula childhood with Bou.

Where are papers in that?

I am tired of living uptight.
I am tired of regretting thing I've never done because I was afraid I'd regert them
I am tired of thinking things through

What is the point of fear of death if you haven't even lived?


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on the road
Far over the Misty Mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

The pines were roaring on the height,

The winds were moaning in the night.

The fire was red, it flaming spread;

The trees like torches blazed with light.



on the road
Помимо явного намека резни Тейта на Колумбину, тут есть ещё кое-что

В 1 серии Тейт на сеансе психотерапии произносит фразу "It's a filthy world we live in"
Один из школьников, ответственных за резню в Колумбине в своём дневнике писал "It's a filthy place we live in"

Совпадение? :susp:
ээ, Мёрфи, лучше остановись, потому что это и правда неэтично.

@темы: American Horror Story